Friday, March 14, 2008

Conferences With Students

Yeah for Buhler teachers! We are doing something right when it comes to conferencing. I didn't know that whole class sharing was considered a type of conference. I have been doing this for years, and my colleagues are too. I know that my colleagues are doing this because my students come into 5th grade knowing how this process works.

This chapter confirmed for me that I was doing conferencing correctly because I use the different conferencing techniques in my classroom.

One thing I did learn from this chapter is that modeling a peer conference is important. I have never thought of that before, but it makes sense. I will try this in the future.


janicegreen said...

I model everyday, but had not thought of modeling conferencing either.

PHuston said...

The importance of modeling the peer conference was an idea I also gleaned from this chapter.

Sillin Spotlights said...

Ditto on Buhler teachers. I particularly liked the thought that I was already mini-conferencing. I'm get more excited about student writing the more I read and discover in this book.

Vicky Richardson said...

I also thought it was interesting the different techniques that were considered conferencing. I guess I do more than I realized.